Monday, February 1, 2010

Improve Xbox Netflix Quality Will An HDMI Cable Really Improve The Picture Quality For An Xbox 360?

Will an HDMI cable really improve the picture quality for an xbox 360? - improve xbox netflix quality

I connected one 720p high-definition TV is now common inputs. So, if I use an HDMI cable is the difference significant? It would also increase the quality of streaming HD movies from Netflix?


percival... said...

Are you purchasing and let us know. Many others have to say "Yes" No people believe to exist, what you think.

HDMI Cable improve anything that is not already there. These are only a son and cable. It is true that they are to retain a better job, the quality is there, but does not improve, what was there.

Streaming media is compressed and the speed of the bandwidth, so much the quality was already lost for compression are gone. Here, too, HDMI is not replacing what was there.

However, many people demand that we see a big improvement. You can one of them.

The Official Xbox Live Expert said...


Nick B said...

Yes. the difference is not much, but it will be there. You will also be able to go a higher resolution

Dan said...

Do this on all major difference, he immediately sees

Dan said...

Do this on all major difference, he immediately sees

batou_19... said...

Me personally, but my account
Run @ 1080p

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