Thursday, February 4, 2010

How Do You Save Your Pokemon Game How Do U Save Your Pokemon Emerald Game From Being Corrupted??

How do u save your pokemon emerald game from being corrupted?? - how do you save your pokemon game

Ive done a lot of Pokemon Emerald! Time, but the second I finished the pokemon that the game is corrupted!
PS I've never used a game shark or anything.


[[ Mime Cat ]] said...

To be honest, there is no way to save, if completely destroyed. Sometimes the error "The game of the last backup was corrupt" and load the file back to save. The only normal way to avoid this is to properly record.
My pokemon uses money to corrupt, and then delete the game completely and there is no return.

Nazren E said...

ummm, the fake

Rojan Rey Tagle said...

It can not be registered. Sorry

gamemaster d said...

the risk that the game listening cut files, you tricks on how cryptographers and GameShark

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