Friday, January 29, 2010

Parental Home Made Is There Any Kind Of Parental Controls On Yahoo Home Page???

Is there any kind of parental controls on yahoo home page??? - parental home made

I have three children and I want to make sure that you do not accidentally get into something they do not.


Fall Down Laughing said...

Yahoo! offers parental controls prevent their children to certain sites and monitoring their online experience. This is an excellent idea, and I'm glad that you are, what their children do online. For more information on parental control, go to:

An alternative is safe for the security search turned so that their children will find any sites with content for adults. To activate it, so that any search and click the "Settings" link at the top right of the page. Make sure Safe Search is enabled.

Raju said...

R. There are no parental controls on the Yahoo home page, but u can solve ur problem in this way. Tools> Internet Options> Security restrictions can be site> here u sites to which u want ur children to have to see. I hope this will solve the problem of the Uruguay Round. There is another way that can be useful for u. Use this path. Tools> Internet Options> Advanced> and uncheck the box next to the image in the multimedia section of the Uruguay Round. U can disable all ur multimedia speakers here. It can be photos on the computer of the Uruguay Round. I hope he will surely help u.

Belie said...

Not that I know of. Yahooligans Ask them instead, is designed for children

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