Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bowel Movements More Condition_symptoms Does More Frequent Bowel Movements Mean Higher Metabolism?

Does more frequent bowel movements mean higher metabolism? - bowel movements more condition_symptoms

I practiced a lot recently, and now I have more frequent stools. The only problem is that the watery diarrhea are always ... i guess. So I was asked if this is the result of my body to adjust to a higher metabolism? I do not know much. I would also add that I took Hydroxycut for weight loss during my exercise and diet. I would also add that Reason Bran I ate that day ... maybe milk or fiber can be the cause?


Stephen P said...

Several reasons for the changes in the stool:

1. The practice has improved the flow of the system.

2. His regime has changed. Major changes or a sudden increase in fiber intake can cause diarrhea at first.

3. Hydroxycut contains caffeine, fluid, forcing your system, which loose stools.

If you follow your diet, your body adapts to the changes and visits to the toilet regularly and normally. I started a program for weight loss a few months ago, and now I have to go to the bathroom 10-11 every day without fail. I used to go almost 3 days without a bowel movement on the list.

Be careful not to eat too much fiber. They hold 20 to 40 grams 50 grams of fiber per day in May, in fact, the opposite effect and cause constipation.

Stephen P said...

Several reasons for the changes in the stool:

1. The practice has improved the flow of the system.

2. His regime has changed. Major changes or a sudden increase in fiber intake can cause diarrhea at first.

3. Hydroxycut contains caffeine, fluid, forcing your system, which loose stools.

If you follow your diet, your body adapts to the changes and visits to the toilet regularly and normally. I started a program for weight loss a few months ago, and now I have to go to the bathroom 10-11 every day without fail. I used to go almost 3 days without a bowel movement on the list.

Be careful not to eat too much fiber. They hold 20 to 40 grams 50 grams of fiber per day in May, in fact, the opposite effect and cause constipation.

beautifu... said...

It's amazing what you can do fiber. If I eat a bowl of Raisin Bran, I can say that a differencee bowel habits.

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